When a girl’s blood is told and heard. Notes about testimony and political experience of militant women in Djamila Boupacha (1962) of Simone de Beauvoir and Gisèle Halimi


  • Fabiana Grasselli CONICET, Argentina


This research represents an exercise of interpretation about the testimonial story Djamila Boupacha, published in 1962 by Simone de Beauvoir and Gisèle Halimi. The objective of this work is to analyze the specific conditions of production and the historical circumstances of enunciation and audibility where the denunciation and recognition of the young pro-independence Algerian militant emerged. Likewise, this investigation aims to understand the discursive operations and the meanings that the mentioned book produced about an experience of domination and rebellion lived in the embodiment of a sexual body.


Boupacha, Beauvoir, Halimi, political experiences, women, testimonial narratives