Programas de energía nuclear en el mundo en desarrollo : su fundamento e impacto


  • Jorge A. Sábato
  • Jairman Ramesh International Institute for Environment and Development, en Washington DC.


The current debate on the need and desirability of nuclear power programs in developing countries has diverted attention to a basic question: why were developing countries interested in nuclear power in the first place? This paper describes the framework of international, political and economic relations over the past thirty years that has provided an important impetus to the widespread acceptance of nuclear energy in the developing world. Its intention is to restore a certain degree of balance and perspective with respect to certain emerging viewpoints on nuclear energy that tend to de-emphasize the opportunities it has created in technologically backward countries.


Nuclear Programs, Developing Countries, Nuclear Energy, International Relations, Technology

Author Biographies

Jorge A. Sábato

Físico argentino, miembro de la Fundación Bariloche y autor de numerosas obras sobre ciencia y tecnología.

Jairman Ramesh, International Institute for Environment and Development, en Washington DC.

En la actualidad se desempeña como especialista en materia energética en International Institute for Environment and Development, en Washington DC.