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Identification of the Property and Dynamics of the Offer in Subsidized Private Education in the Metropolitan Region


  • Francisca Corbalán Universidad de Chile
  • Sebastián Ligüeño Universidad de Chile
  • Juan González Universidad de Chile


This article describes the configuration of the particular educational offer subsidized in the metropolitan area. To this end, information was collected from MINEDUC and databases of the Chilean "Diario Oficial", allowing the identity of the constitution of natural and legal persons involved in the private sector financed by the state. Based on an analysis of qualitative and quantitative material proposes a new categorization of actors as supporters of the education market. Finally, we discuss some implications of research results.


Education, Supporters, Private education, quasi educational market

Author Biographies

Francisca Corbalán, Universidad de Chile

Psicóloga, Universidad de Chile

Sebastián Ligüeño, Universidad de Chile

Psicólogo, Universidad de Chile

Juan González, Universidad de Chile

Psicólogo, Universidad de Chile