
The journal is open to receive papers throughout the year, except when there are calls for papers published on its Web page. Papers must be sent to the editor's email hcadenas@uchile.cl and not by registering on this page. It should be noted that due to the number of papers received, the evaluation of each paper can take between 4 and 8 months.

MAD also publishes articles in "Early View" version, which have been accepted for publication, peer-reviewed and corrected before the publication of the issue, allowing its readers to have quicker access to its contents. Each article has an online publication date and a DOI, allowing them to be cited as soon as they are published.

Please refer to the "Guidelines for the presentation and submission of papers".

Systems, Tridimensionality and Deconstruction: Applying Complexity to Social Anthropological Research


  • María Belén Ortega Senet Universidad Rovira y Virgili


This article aims to show the applicability of ideas based on the Paradigm of Complexity that emerged from an action-research study analysing power and agency, with a group participating to the Local Power Development Program of in El Alto, Bolivia. This applicability is specified in a proposal for a complex approach of the study object and a consequent fieldwork and data analysis methodology, integrating a transdisciplinary position, a three-dimensional research design and a conceptual framework sensitive to deconstruction.


Social Systems, Constructivism/Constructionism, Multidimesionality, Transdiciplinary Approach, Complex Methodology