Citizen participation in the development of a public playroom (game library)


  • Javier Calderón Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña


This article explores, the importance of the methodological tools of citizen participation in the development of a public and community project. The end result is to evaluate the relevance of these instruments in the academic training of professionals who develop this kind of work. This will be accomplished through the analysis of a case study, that relates the construction of the Community Playhouse of Villa Esperanza, in San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic. A project that sought to contribute to the prevention and progressive withdrawal of children and adolescents involved in dangerous Child Labor. This, through the construction of community equipment and the enhancement of grassroots organizations in the community. All this, based in a ludic-educational methodology. Since the Game Library, is not only understood as community equipment, but as a process that through the game bets to integrate, consolidate and organize the community. 


Citizen participation, playhouse, public project, San Juan de la Maguana

Author Biography

Javier Calderón, Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña

Candidato a Máster en Desarrollo Urbano y Territorial , Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña