Decisión-making processes in the European Union


  • Jaime Tijmes Karls Universität


The European Union (UE) has combined decision making processes based on unanimity and on majority voting, mainly owing to the recognition that, depending on the context, they present valuable advantages  as well as shortcomings. Thus, the EU has so far followed a rather pragmatic course. The future seems to lie along this same path, not favouring one decision- making process per se over the other, but combining unanimity and majority voting according to the needs and possibilities of the specific issue at hand.


European Union, decision-making, majority rule, unanimity

Author Biography

Jaime Tijmes, Karls Universität


Abogado, Universidad de Chile ; doctor © Karls Universität, Tübingen, Alemania; trabaja en forma independiente para la Secretaría de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC); autor de diversas publicaciones sobre temas de su especialidad; expositor en la Primera Conferencia Anual de la Spanish Association of Law and Economics, Madrid, 2010.