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The Anti-Vaccine Movement in Mexico, in the Context of COVID-19


  • Edgar Guerra Programa Investigadoras e Investigadores por México, CONAHCYT


This chapter examines the resurgence of the anti-vaccine movement in Mexico amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the social distancing measures began, activist groups questioned official announcements and protested against containment measures, spreading misinformation on social media platforms. During the pandemic, these protests received criticism for being rooted in half-truths and emotional arguments. Despite limitations imposed by social distancing measures, the movement adapted to digital activism. In order to study this protest movement, the paper adopts a theoretical perspective based on Niklas Luhmann's Social Systems Theory, treating the anti-vaccine movement as a social system. Employing digital ethnography, the study focused on major activist groups on social media platforms, identifying their codes, identities, symbols, and languages. The article provides relevant empirical information on the anti-vaccine movement in Mexico while contributing to the field of Social Systems Theory studies on protest movements.


Anti-Vaccine movements, Mexico, COVID-19, Social systems theory, Niklas Luhmann


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